Tomorrow Will Be a Good Day

Top of the Bestseller list in Sunday Times newspaper, here in the UK on 27 September 2020, is a book called “Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day”.
It is an autobiography by Captain Tom Moore who set out earlier this year to raise some money for the National Health Service and its charities. He wanted to walk 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday at the end of April. He did his 100 laps and kept on going until the fundraising closed by which time he had raised just shy of GBP £33 million.
So why do I mention this?
Because the emotions and the challenges for the hospitality and event industry has been huge but, without wanting to be a cliché, tomorrow will be a good day. That “tomorrow” might not be this week or this month but it will happen as the timely British understatement of in “due course”.
Light Amid the Gloom
For now, we here at All Points North are seeking out the positives and the fun things that are out there to keep us smiling.
For starters look at the caricatures of Lisa and myself on this very same website. You will see Lisa in glorious colour. As for me, I am in shades of grey. It has been pointed out to me that I need a holiday in the sun.
It is wonderful how restaurants and venues have been being extremely creative with the welcome back marketing.
One of my favourites has been the Bill’s Family of Restaurants.
In Scotland many of the Distilleries are working on or have already developed ways to enjoy whisky and gin tasting from the comfort of your own home. One even hosts tastings for up to 100 people via, yes you have guessed it, Zoom.
Each participant receives a box ahead of time with miniature whiskies and a tasting glass then everyone can enjoy the tasting together have the virtual tour but enjoy the real taste of some exceptional Scotch.
The same, of course, works with wine, gin and all manner of foods. Even something as simple as some wonderful Yorkshire Tea and some yummy Scottish cookie.
As long as it is not possible to gather, en masse, in a restaurant for a meal or have a wine tasting all together in one room and so forth there is a way to have some fun and enjoy an experience. This is what we at All Points North are calling: “A Taste of the Future – Now!”
And remember: Tomorrow will be a good day.
Nick Wagg.